We’re Going Back to In-person Worship!
Reentry Plan 2.0
Dear all,
After careful tracking of area Covid cases, researching best practices used by similar-sized congregations, and counsel from our Unitarian Universalist Association, we’ll be returning to in-person worship on Sunday, October 31st at 10:30 AM!
As we begin this next phase together, here’s some specifics your Board, Worship Team and I would like you to keep in mind:
- Our last outdoor service will be held this Sunday, and will be a multi-generational Halloween service led by Erin and me. Feel free to come in costume!
- We’ll be observing basic protocols similar to Reentry Plan 1.0:
- Wear properly fitting face coverings while indoors; remain at least six feet from anyone not in your vaccinated “bubble”;
- Save handshakes and hugs for outside;
- If vacant, use the restroom outside the sanctuary doors – if occupied and you need to use a downstairs restroom, able-bodied persons (and those using the floor lift) should follow the signs;
- In order to better protect everyone attending the services, you’ll be asked to use complete a “contact tracing” form each Sunday – contact information to reach everyone in attendance should we have a reported Covid case following that Sunday.
3. Other Information:
- Unfortunately we’ll need to postpone all multigenerational programming for the time being. The risks of “cross contamination” between adults and children are too great;
- Per clear recommendations, singing is still limited to small ensembles, spaced and vaccinated;
- We’re unable to serve food or drinks inside the buildings for now. Weather permitting, we may be able to offer an outdoor, streamlined version of coffee hour;
- Service Format: We’re very close to moving our services to a live streaming format, meaning they’ll be available on YouTube and Facebook in real time, each Sunday at 10:30;
- There are more details to come – some we’ve anticipated, others we haven’t. This is a welcome, but not stress-free phase, so your support and forbearance will go a long way.
Lastly, many thanks to your leaders and staff for their ongoing help. Balancing your safety with your longing to be together isn’t always simple. I’m grateful for their wisdom and understanding.
Hope to see you soon,