Passing Through
You may know about Wonderful Wednesday, the midweek online gathering of UUFH members, friends and anyone else who’d like to join us. Together we offer support, explore topics and generally stay connected in an age of disconnection.
At our last meeting I asked folx to reflect on the importance of play in our lives. The responses varied of course, but also some commonalities: television characters and shows; games; contagious laughter; family gatherings; music; belly laughs, and unapologetic silliness.
We agreed play and humor should not come at another’s expense – that we don’t exist to hurl insults masquerading as fun. But as one of the sources I quoted put it, “Play is the exuberant expression of our being…It helps us live with absurdity, paradox and mystery. It feeds our joy and wonder. It keeps our search for meaning down to earth.”
If the great teachers have it right, true play doesn’t rely exclusively on externals: In good times or bad, the spirit longs for the kind of perspective only play can provide. The virus rages on, the state of the world is what it is. In response, we do our part to be worthy of of our best values…and still the soul longs for the release of play.
As we lean into the young year, what say we look for opportunities to better tend to these lives of ours? How bout we make play an indispensable, non-negotiable part of who we are?
Back to the last edition of Wonderful Wednesday, I asked a member of the group to offer up a reading they’d shared in an earlier meeting we both attended. To paraphrase, “When it snows, some people shovel. And others make snow angels.”
With apologies to those who (like me) enjoy the workout of shoveling, I think the angel-makers have something to teach.
Blessings, all.