The old saw applies: What a difference a year makes.
A year ago we could take some things for granted that no longer apply, starting with something as fundamental to our wellbeing as human touch. Masks were for surgery units. Distancing was for avoiding the uncle that always ruins Thanksgiving dinner.
Its far too early to take inventory of all we’ve lost since this time, last year. For some, a world fairly dominated by COVID has been a matter of inconvenience; but for the majority of our human family, it’s been a season of suffering, fear and loss.
In response, those of us lucky enough to have circles of care have relied even more on the online, masked, socially distanced embraces that help keep us from despair. Maybe it’s a group of friends. Maybe it’s family, maybe a grief or recovery group. Or maybe it’s a UU congregation.
The thing about UU congregations during COVID – even for those for whom being UUFH online just doesn’t cut it – is the comfort, even the joy of knowing the message of liberal religion remains despite it all. We still value, with all our hearts, the responsible quest for truth, the need for vital community, and peace with justice. That saving message hasn’t, and won’t change, no matter how long the wait to reclaim the sanctuary.
Meanwhile, and as you probably know by now, UUFH’s annual stewardship campaign is ramping up. The good folks leading the campaign will soon be reaching out to you with the details, but let me quickly make the case for a larger vision.
Put simply, UUFH is more than a local congregation: it’s a real-time, real-life outpost for these precious values. It’s a modern day incarnation of liberal religion, accountable not just to the local outpost, but the crazy-long denomination listed at Kunuga and Patterson. That sign signals you and I are part of something bigger, flawed yet determined to make a difference in a hurting world.
As you discern what you’ll be giving in support of the 2021-22 campaign,I ask you to hold this larger vision in mind. Our offerings will indeed go to support UUFH’s place in here in western North Carolina; but also the larger, living tradition that reminds us we are not on our own.
Thanks in advance for giving what you can, to UUFH and beyond.
Blessings and stay safe,