A Word from Don – In the Interim

Greetings, all!

I hope you’re weathering these times as well as possible.

On behalf of all UUFH’s staff and leaders, remember you’re always on our minds, and are available to give help in any way we can. (On that note, we said a fond farewell to Office Manager, Elizabeth Thompson, and warm hello to Wanda Hughes, Acting Office Manager.)

It’s been a busy summer for your leadership and me. COVID has limited travel for most of us, so nearly all UUFH teams, committees and task forces have continued their regular schedules.
Which, believe it or not, has been a source of inspiration for many. Why? 

First off – COVID and all – UUFH is a strong congregation, with many strong leaders. Together we share, trust, disagree, laugh, compromise, and lead the best we know. I never leave those meetings without something to chew on. 

Second, despite the sometimes dense conversations and challenges, good things emerge: justice projects take shape; new governance systems  become more concrete; worship services get tweaked, then tweaked again; members and friends in distress are offered comfort, and; relationships are formed and deepened. I never leave those meetings without a sense of awe for the commitment and skills of your leaders.

Third, your leaders do not skirt accountability. Keeping a congregation a viable during a global pandemic is always taxing, and often confounding. Money is tight. Staff roles change. Anxiety is elevated. Disagreements are inevitable, testing commitments. But I never leave those meetings wondering if leaders are willing to lead in hard times – drawing upon best practices.

There is an important role for everyone else, starting with showing some old-school UU tolerance. Being a highly flawed human being myself, our movement and people have often extended grace to me. Same with staff members, same with one another. The Universalist side of our blended spiritual family counsels – no, dares us to love those fellow UUs we may not even like. Your trust in your leaders goes a very long way, reminding them we’re in this together.

We’ve many challenges before us, and ahead of us. Some we know, others we can’t. At least for now. So here’s my thanks to everyone who’s so giving of their time and gifts. And here’s my invitation to tell them how much they’re appreciated.
In awe,Don