A Word from Don–Week 5

Checking In:

“Hang in there”, says the runner striding downhill from the peak of Davis Mountain Road. “You do the same”, I grunt through my teeth as I bear down on my road bike, determined to get back down the mountain before sundown.

It’s a simple blessing, really. A bow to the holy in one another. A few seconds between strangers who will likely never see one another again.

But even if only for now, these briefest of real-time connections mean something. I think that something has to do with being on the same team, of the same tribe, at the same time. I think it’s a renting of the veil of illusion – the illusion that because we think differently, look differently or talk differently, we don’t really need one another.

If the Covid-19 virus has taught anything thus far, it’s that our fates are intertwined. This is not a theological abstraction. It’s as obvious as stay home, save lives.

So, hang in there, says my mountain guru. It’s a blessing we could all use about now.


Minister’s Discretionary Fund
You may know that Don oversees a limited fund for helping UUFH members and friends experiencing severe financial hardship. To request confidential assistance, contact Don HERE.