Author: FamilyMinistries


Jainism, has a fascinating belief
that when they are born their souls are clean and while like a dress shirt newly starched and hung on the line.

Family Ministry Aug 30, 2020

To finish our trilogy of ancient eastern religions, this week we are going to learn about Jainism. Not as well-known or popular as Hinduism or Buddhism, Jainism has between 4 and 5 million followers (compared to Hinduism’s 1.25 billion). The true beginning of Jainism is … read more.

Jewelry Sale!

Family Ministries Kids have come together to craft and sell jewelry – necklaces, earrings, and friendship bracelets to raise money for the Black Lives Matter Movement!

Family Ministry Aug 30, 2020

This Sunday we are going to take a break from ancient south eastern religions and do a UUA spirit play curricula lesson on Compassion; but with a twist – saving the USPS! in the morning zoom (10am), we’re going to talk about the fun … read more.

To achieve great knowledge, great sacrifices must be made.

There’s something about a WASP storming, spandex-clad, full-speed into a yoga studio, Starbucks iced coffee in tow, that completely slaughters the idea that Yoga is a spiritual practice. Regardless, Western yoga is here to stay, so the least we can do is learn its history, practice it humbly, and give credit where credit is due.
What do you REALLY know about Yoga?

Is Yoga Cultural Appropriation?

There’s something about a WASP storming, spandex-clad, full-speed into a yoga studio, Starbucks iced coffee in tow, that completely slaughters the idea that Yoga is a spiritual practice. Regardless, Western yoga is here to stay, so the least we can do is learn its history, practice it humbly, and give credit where credit is due.
What do you REALLY know about Yoga?

Where did today come from?

Sophia Blanche Lyon Fahs (August 2, 1876 – April 14, 1978) was an editor, author, teacher, and religious activist who led a revolution in Unitarian religious education. Fahs received her B.A. from the College of Wooster in 1897, as well as an honorary degree in 1961. She … read more.

Discover Your Truth

Where does God live?
By Nora Smith

In the wind in the trees
on a cold winter’s night,
bone dry at witching hour.

In a letter from a friend,
far away, unopened
amongst the bills.

In the creaking of floorboards
when you sneak back to bed
with a secret on your lips.

In the dancing dust … read more.