Family Ministry March 7, 2021
Real life heroes and the villains usually aren’t as black and white (good vs bad) as we see them in movies and tv.
Real life heroes and the villains usually aren’t as black and white (good vs bad) as we see them in movies and tv.
“What makes a monster, a monster?
Sharing of knowledge in the celebration of Black History
We are going to include the sharing of knowledge in the celebration of Black History
Sharing of knowledge in the celebration of Black History
, Mardi Gras has been celebrated all around the Christian world for over a thousand years.
We will be celebrating Lunar New Year! We’ll discover our zodiac signs, learn what they mean and see if they have any advice for our futures
January 20, 2021: The Inauguration
We will be celebrating Lunar New Year! We’ll discover our zodiac signs, learn what they mean and see if they have any advice for our futures
Quite possibly the oddest holiday of the year.
January 20, 2021: The Inauguration