Rev Terry’s Blog
Greetings from Rev Terry Davis; The Power of Wow
Greetings from Rev Terry Davis; The Power of Wow
Worship Café
New Member recognition & Brunchr
01.12.2023 The more that we work together, the greater impact we have.
01.29.2023 We’ll take a closer look at the first UU principle that reads: We believe that each and every person is important.
01.12.2023 Congregational Read; ALL THAT SHE CARRIED: THE JOURNEY OF ASHLEY’S SACK, A BLACK FAMILY KEEPSAKE by Black historian, Tiya Miles.
Pastoral Associates are a team of specially trained UUFH volunteers who work under the guidance of the Minister to offer ‘caring concern’ to UUFH congregants
UUFH Flower Team
01.22.2023 The Fire Communion – participate in this UU New Year tradition and other faith traditions relating to lighting fires