Racial Justice Weekly Action
08.18.22, JUUSTICE FORUM; ARE Congregational Project & new book discussion
08.18.22, JUUSTICE FORUM; ARE Congregational Project & new book discussion
8.11.22 The more that we work together, the greater impact we have.
08.11.22, JUUSTICE FORUM; ARE Congregational Project & new book discussion
08,14.2022 Tubing on the Davidson River
Greetings from Rev Terry Davis
8.4.22 The more that we work together, the greater impact we have.
08.4.22, JUUSTICE FORUM; ARE Congregational Project
08,7.2022 We will be challenging ourselves to compete and complete our own Obstacle Course!
07.31.2022 Sunday Doubleheader
A Day in the Peace Garden & Magic Show
7.21.22 The more that we work together, the greater impact we have.