Social Justice News
03.09.2023 The more that we work together, the greater impact we have.
03.09.2023 The more that we work together, the greater impact we have.
03.09.2023 ARE Congregational Project proposal
Ostara symbolizes fertility, rebirth, and renewal.
03.02.2023 The more that we work together, the greater impact we have.
03.02.2023 Workshop: Healing the unconscious BIAS in the
Henderson County School System
02.26.2023 UU Principle 6,
Women’s History Month and Purim
02.26.2023 Rock the Right to Vote
02.23.2023 The more that we work together, the greater impact we have.
02.16.2023 Workshop: Healing the unconscious BIAS in the
Henderson County School System
ARE Workshop