Becoming a Member

As a Member of UUFH, you are asked to:
- Participate in the democratic governance of the congregation by attending and voting at called meetings
- Support the activities and financial needs of the church by volunteering time and sharing financial resources
- Become connected through participating in the life of the congregation and in activities that are personally meaningful
- Explore and celebrate your personal spirituality in community with others
- Honor and celebrate diversity
And thus, you:
- Become strengthened by mutual commitment to UU principles
- Become connected to others in more meaningful ways
- Have opportunities for religious education for children, youth, and adults
- Have connections to the Unitarian Universalist movement worldwide, receive the UU World magazine and the UUFH communications.
The path to membership begins by talking with the minister, Rev. George, or with a membership co-chairperson, Claudia Boozer-Short or Liz Diehl. They’ll help answer any questions you have and invite you to sign the Membership Book.
From time to time an orientation to UUFH may be offered. New members will receive a welcome packet which includes a binder with information about our congregation. We encourage you to learn more and get connected. Here are a few ways to get started:
- Review the “About” section of this website, including the history of UUFH.
- Schedule a meal or coffee chat with a membership team member, a board member, or any other member of the congregation you’d like to get to know better!
- Find a small group or committee that interests you and join!
- Look at our upcoming events and make plans to attend one.
- Attend one of our periodic classes and workshops to deepen your understanding of our faith community and our principles.
- Learn more about our Family Ministry program for parents, children, and youth
We celebrate our new members during a Sunday service once a year, with a Welcome Ceremony.

Friends of UUFH
If membership isn’t right for you at this time, we invite you to join as a Friend. The process is very similar — simply speak with the minister or a membership co-chair and make it official by signing the Friendship Book.
A Friend can participate in many ways at UUFH. Friends are asked to support the activities and financial needs of the church, and they receive the benefits of becoming connected to others by exploring personal spirituality.
A friend does not have voting rights, cannot serve on the board, and does not receive the UU World magazine.