Volunteer Opportunities
Adult Religious Education Team
At UUFH, we embrace a vision of life-long spiritual development. This team works with the minister to develop programs for adult enrichment, including seminars/webinars, discussion forums, etc. For details, please contact Rev. George here.
Canvass (Pledge) Committee
Are you a member of UUFH and possess a creative mind and like to write? Do you like a challenge? Are you interested in being a driving force behind the dreams of fellow congregants? If you answered ‘YES’ then there is a place for you on the Canvass Committee. The Canvass Committee works with UUFH Members and Friends to ensure we have funding for the programs that support our mission in the community and among our congregants. Contact Meg Hoke.
Communications and Outreach Team
We need people experienced in photography, feature writing, web and social media presence, advertising, marketing, and public relations to help get our message out into the Hendersonville community. For details, please contact Rev. George here.
Facilities Team
The Facilities Committee, on an as needed basis, performs any and all routine do-it-yourself type electrical, mechanical, plumbing, painting and grunt type maintenance and repair tasks like those required around any normal household. You never know what may happen or be required next. We get to use most of our old tools; we sometimes get dirty and usually have fun. If we don't know how to fix it we can hire and watch the professionals. Contact; Noble Smith for more information.
Family Ministries Council
The UUFH Family Ministry Council works to assist in bringing about open minds, helping hands, and loving hearts within children and families of all ages throughout the congregation. Interested in joining us? Contact Morgan Martin or Vicki Benavides for more information.
Feasts and Festivals Team
This new team at UUFH takes the lead in creating special events, including weekly Sunday hospitality and food-based events throughout the year. For details, contact Vicky Smith here.
Flowers for Pulpit and Niche Decor

Landscape Team

LGBTQ Welcome Team
We are recruiting new folks to increase our effort to welcome LGBTQ+ individuals at UUFH and to improve our outreach and social justice efforts in the Hendersonville community. This team's mission includes complying with the prescribed welcoming practices set forth by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) as part of our Welcoming Congregations program. For details, please contact Rev. George here.
Membership Team
The Membership Committee engages with visitors and paves the way to membership. The team meets once a month. Our job is to help our congregation meaningfully converse with and welcome our visitors and ultimately help the visitor become a member. It is our job to continually promote the idea of “Meeting you where you are with what we have to offer.” Become a volunteer in the membership committee, and enjoy an enthusiastic, concerned, thoughtful, happy, fun committee. Contact Claudia Boozer-Short or Liz Diehl.
Memorial Services Reception Team
The Memorial Service Reception team is in place to provide refreshments for the family and guests who are attending the memorial service of one of our congregants or friends. Anyone can participate and bakers are especially welcome. Contact Patty Smith for more information.
Music Committee
Music is an integral and valued part of worship and congregational life at UUFH. It imparts message, beauty, and inspiration for all to hear. Music is shared by our adult and children's choirs, selections are played by pianists, and music is performed by various vocal and instrumental guest musicians to enrich our Sunday morning services, special services, and the life of the congregation. Everyone participates in music-making on Sunday morning.
The Music Committee supports our Music Director in finding ways to continually enhance the musical experience at UUFH. Music Committee topics include the upcoming musical schedule, possible changes and additions to the UUFH musical experience, music budget expenditures, and all things musical. Contact Bill White about the Music Committee and Janey Hall about the Choir.
Nominating Committee
The work of this committee is to engage the congregation in a conversation about leadership and service. Its five members collaborate to match talent and commitment of members of the congregation to the needs of the open leadership positions on the Board and on five standing committees: Canvass, Endowment, Finance, Personnel, and the Nominating Committee itself. The committee presents a slate of candidates to be elected at the Annual Meeting. Contact MC Gaylord.
Pastoral Associates
Pastoral Associates work in partnership with the Minister to ‘offer a ministry of presence’ to congregants who are facing illness, a life crisis, or other situations requiring pastoral assistance. One Associate is ‘on-call’ each month and that persons responsibility includes responding to needs that arise, make visits to hospitals, facilities and homes, often making phone calls and/or send comforting cards to those in need. We act as the eyes and ears of the Minister at Sunday worship, social hour and UUFH events and bring to attention any needs we identify. New members are often recruited by personal invitation since special skills are desirable. For more information contact Barbara Eck HERE.
Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee is a perfect fit for anyone with a managerial or supervisory background. Human Resources experience is a plus! Our committee is responsible for implementing and administering the personnel policies and procedures pertaining to UUFH employed staff according to the provisions of the UUFH Personnel Policies. Some years are busier than others especially when staff changes occur. We work closely with the Minister and the Board. If you are a member of UUFH and interested in the Personnel Committee, contact MC Gaylord or Vicki Benavides.
Safety Team
The Security Team is a group of trained volunteers that provide UUFH members, friends, families, guests and visitors with a safe and secure experience during our Sunday morning service. Volunteers can be assigned to one of the supporting committees or elect to patrol outside the sanctuary or monitor a closed circuit TV in the Sanctuary always being vigilant for any suspicious person or activity. Contact Charlie Mitchell HERE for more information.
Social Justice Outreach Team
SJOT promotes and supports Social Justice within UUFH and the wider community. Activities comprise a variety of human and community areas of concern and seek to put into practice the UUFH Mission Statement and Unitarian Universalist Principles. At UUFH, these currently include Latino Justice, LGBTQ Justice, Environmental Justice, Youth Hunger, Legislative Issues and Community Support Activities. Current SJOT Community Support activities include Guest at Your Table, Mitten Tree, MLK Day of Service, UU Justice Ministry of NC, food and clothing collections, and Fair Trade Coffee/Chocolate sales.
SJOT welcomes members who have a commitment to foster its purpose. Contact Charlotte Corrigan HERE for more information.
Sound System Team
The Sound SystemTeam is a great fit for someone who enjoys learning new technology. This is a fun ‘behind the scenes’ volunteer opportunity to help ensure everyone hears our weekly service and to record the service for archival and extract the sermon for the website each week. Now that we have the new sound panels installed, you can be part of our ‘new sound experience’ that everyone is raving about. Don’t miss out! Contact Lou Johnson or Colby Landers for more information
Visitor Awareness and Welcome Team
Visitor Awareness (Welcome) Team greeters create an inclusive and warm entrance experience on Sunday mornings and other times as needed. Tasks include setting out guest name tags, handing out the order of service, greeting members and visitors, taking and counting collection, tidying the sanctuary after service, helping folks find a seat and generally being attentive to the needs of members and guests. Greeters usually pick 1-2 Sunday's per month to serve. It's a fun way to meet new people and to say hello to regulars. Contact Helen Struve HERE for more information.
Worship Team
Our role is to support the creation of high-quality worship services throughout the year, often by involving members of UUFH congregation. The team is responsible for lay-led services when Minister is not in the pulpit and for the summer Sunday services. Contact Rev. George for more information.
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