Where does God live?
By Nora Smith
In the wind in the trees
on a cold winter’s night,
bone dry at witching hour.
In a letter from a friend,
far away, unopened
amongst the bills.
In the creaking of floorboards
when you sneak back to bed
with a secret on your lips.
In the dancing dust that falls
within the wedge of light
through broken glass.
In the sunrise over terra
starved for warmth.
Alone, with 25lbs of dead
to the world innocence
cradled in your arms.
In an overdeveloped picture
caught by the sun, unaware.
The above poem is unfinished. And normally I would never send a piece this raw out into the world; but that is what God is unfinished, raw and ever evolving.

I grew up with four different faiths. Or maybe, four sub-sects of a single faith, depending on how you look. Presbyterianism, Catholicism, Unitarian Universalism and Atheism. All were present in my childhood. And over the years I have heard many words for God. I have heard all about God’s Attributes and Qualities, Loves and Hates, Gender Pronouns and Football Preferences. But to me, that isn’t God. I don’t know what God is or is not. All I can say is that it is our Freedom and our Responsibility to search for Truth and meaning in the world outside of our perspective.
Where do you think God lives? Let me know HERE.