Donation Link Now on UUFH Website

After much consternation and effort, we have successfully set up a DONATION link via our website. In the upper right hand corner of our main page, there is a short menu including DONATE, DIRECTIONS and LOGIN.

When you click on DONATE, you will be taken to a page that allows you to Create a Profile or to Log In.

To create a Profile and make your first donation, follow these instructions:

  • Click on Create Profile (lower right)
  • Enter your email address (twice)
  • Enter you name, address, phone number and email again
  • To add a Donation, click on Add Transaction
  • This is also the screen where you can Edit Account
  • As you make donations or fulfill your pledge, you will be able to see your transaction history on this page as well
  • Once you click on Add Transaction, you are taken to a new page
  • Enter the amount you wish to donate next to the correct Fund (General, Pledge, Outreach, Building, Endowment)
    Click anywhere in the screen for the amount to show up in the total
    Note: if you are giving to Endowment in Honor or in Memoriam of someone, please write their name in the blank next to the amount
  • Choose Donation Frequency (see drop down menu for One Time, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, etc )
  • For one-time donations, choose today’s date
  • Click Continue
  • In the new page, select the type of account you are using (credit/debit, checking or savings) from the drop-down menu
  • For Credit/Debit: Enter all the information including your three-digit code and billing address (if different from Profile)
    Note: under Credit/Debit, if you check the Optional box, you give an additional 2.75% to offset the processing fee from our provider
  • For Checking/Savings Accounts: Enter your bank’s Router Number and your Account Number
  • At the bottom, you’ll be asked to click in the reCAPTCHA box to confirm that you are not a robot
  • To complete, click on Process
  • You will then see a page that confirms your payment. For your records, copy down the Confirmation number OR scroll down and click on Print Page
    Note: if you want to save the confirmation electronically, select Save as PDF

If you are experiencing any difficulty in setting up your account, please reach out to the office HERE.