Jul 2025

Date Event
Sunday, 7/06
Sunday School Classes Families  gather in the sanctuary before going to Fellowship Hall classrooms for an hour of learning and fun with friends!
Sunday, 7/06
Family Ministries Council Meeting Meeting is in the Cottage. Childcare is available for free in Fellowship Hall
Saturday, 7/12
UUFH Women’s Discussion Group A safe place for women to explore various issues.
Sunday, 7/13
Sunday School Classes Families  gather in the sanctuary before going to Fellowship Hall classrooms for an hour of learning and fun with friends!
Saturday, 7/19
Humanism Discussion Group Our meetings are devoted to learning, not as platforms for political, religious or ideological statements.
Sunday, 7/20
Sunday School Classes Families  gather in the sanctuary before going to Fellowship Hall classrooms for an hour of learning and fun with friends!
Sunday, 7/27
Sunday School Classes Families  gather in the sanctuary before going to Fellowship Hall classrooms for an hour of learning and fun with friends!
Wednesday, 7/30
"Turning the Wheel" A guided Pagan social night where we will gather to reflect and align ourselves with the rhythms of the Wheel of the Year.

Aug 2025

Date Event
Saturday, 8/02
Men’s Discussion Group UUFH men meet monthly to discuss a previously announced topic. What is said in the group stays in the group....
Sunday, 8/03
Sunday School Classes Families  gather in the sanctuary before going to Fellowship Hall classrooms for an hour of learning and fun with friends!
Sunday, 8/03
Family Ministries Council Meeting Meeting is in the Cottage. Childcare is available for free in Fellowship Hall
Saturday, 8/09
UUFH Women’s Discussion Group A safe place for women to explore various issues.
Sunday, 8/10
Sunday School Classes Families  gather in the sanctuary before going to Fellowship Hall classrooms for an hour of learning and fun with friends!
Saturday, 8/16
Humanism Discussion Group Our meetings are devoted to learning, not as platforms for political, religious or ideological statements.
Sunday, 8/17
Sunday School Classes Families  gather in the sanctuary before going to Fellowship Hall classrooms for an hour of learning and fun with friends!
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