Ostara, the Spring Equinox

Date & Time
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

UUFH Fellowship Hall


The Misty Mountain CUUPs invite you to celebrate Ostara, the Spring Equinox, in  Fellowship Hall. The world is waking up, and so are we! This festival of balance and renewal is the perfect time to gather in community and celebrate the coming warmth.
Our gathering will include a seasonal ritual of balance and growth, reflections on how we are blossoming in our own lives, and the playful tradition of egg-decorating as a way to invite fertility, creativity, and joy into the season ahead.
If you’d like, bring a snack to share inspired by spring traditions – fresh-baked breads, fruits, eggs, and honey are all great choices. (As always, please be mindful of allergens.)
We can’t wait to welcome the energy of the equinox together – see you there!
contact Jessy Swinkford  mmcuups@nullgmail.com