Save the dates
Saturday, 2/08
UUFH Women’s Discussion Group A safe place for women to explore various issues.
Saturday, 2/08
MMCUUPS IMBOLC Celebration This celebration will include a candle-lighting ritual, seasonal reflections, and blessings for the tools and seeds you’ll use in the year ahead
Sunday, 2/09
Sunday School Classes Families gather in the sanctuary before going to Fellowship Hall classrooms for an hour of learning and fun with friends!
Saturday, 2/15
Humanism Discussion Group Our meetings are devoted to learning, not as platforms for political, religious or ideological statements.
Saturday, 2/15
“Feel the Love” Coffee House & Open Mic Come to the multigenerational, all inclusive Coffee House & Open Mic. It’s Valentine-themed to celebrate love in all forms.

Calling all Spanish speakers!
If you speak Spanish, (even haltingly) your community needs you!
Through the Henderson County Social Justice Network, organizations that serve Latinos (Safelight, El Centro, True Ridge) are seeking volunteers to be on an “on-call list” who can help as interpreters, translators, and providers of transportation.
This may involve assisting with medical appointments or even running basic errands (grocery shopping, picking up children from school, etc.) for those who are afraid to leave their homes. If you are able and willing to help with this effort, contact Dorothy Fantle ( or Larry Winecoff (

Let’s pick-up some paintbrushes and get to work!
To sign up, click the SSI poster! It’s a link to the Google sign-up form. Once you sign-up, someone from the UUFH Green Sanctuary team will contact you with dates and times.
Spring Street Initiative (SSI) was created in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene by a local contractor, Will Avery, to assist families in the Green Meadows Community get back in their homes with the least amount of expense possible. These are families who have fallen between the cracks and haven’t qualified for other assistance. Most of the work will be done by Will and his subs free of charge with donated materials.
UUFH Green Sanctuary has chosen this as one of our Congregational Projects, and offered to provide painters. We would love to have a several good crews that are able to work for several hours so that the burden doesn’t fall to a few people. This would be a great intergenerational project.

Click Here for Black History Month Resources from the UUA

Click here for info from the founders of Black History Month
Spotlight on A. Phillip Randolph

In 1925, A. Philip Randolph established The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (BSCP), the first nationally recognized Black labor union in the United States.
Under Randolph’s leadership, the BSCP expanded its mission to advocate for broader social and economic justice, paving the way for the modern Civil Rights Movement. Randolph went on to organize the famous March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963

Pullman Porters Shift |
Click for a BET series on the Pullman Porters |

Pullman Porter Cap |
Click to find all kinds of artifacts from the OG Pullman Porters. |