Family Ministry

Save the Dates

Wednesday, 3/26
“Turning the Wheel” A guided Pagan social night where folks will gather to reflect and align with the rhythms of the Wheel of the Year.

Saturday, 3/29

OWL Retreat for students in grades 7-9 at UUFH from 10-5PM lead by Lauren Agrella-Sevilla, Kevin Lausch, and Sunday Parker.

Spring-themed UU Readings

UUA Worship Web

click for a Meditation on Spring (UUA Worship Web) UUA Worship Web 🌷

Dirt Communion Ritual

click to read Our Holy Hearts, Our Sacred Bits of Soil


Braver/Wiser Message

click to read “Startled into Noticing” – by Elea Kemler


Photo Highlights

Resources for Parents

Birds nesting

Click for a lesson on making nests 🪺

Tadpoles to frogs

Click to join the frogwatch project 🐸

Spring needs bees!

Click for great resources on bees 🐝

How Spring Got Its Name 🌸 🌱 🐣

  • 🌱 The spring season gets its name from the verb “spring.” It’s a nod to the flowers and plants springing up, springing open, and bursting into blossom.
  • 🐣 The word itself comes from the Old English word “springan,” which means “to leap, burst forth, fly up; spread, grow.”
  • 🌸 During the 14th century, the word came to describe the spring season, the time when plants wake from their winter sleep and bloom.
  • 🌅 Before that, the word “Lent” was used to describe the season: “In the past it was the main word for ‘spring.’ Lent surfaced as ‘lencten,’ that is, ‘lengten’: the season got its name because in spring days lengthen.” (full article here)

What Spring Looks Like Around The World

20 Citizen Science Projects for Students of All Ages

20 Citizen Science Projects for Students of All Ages

Get your students involved in citizen science! There are so many great projects out there for students of all ages to get involved in, many of which are geared toward students and educators. Check out my top 20 citizen science projects to do with my child

Spring-inspired Classroom Activities & Crafts

This blog post offers a fun variety of spring-themed lessons & crafts. Geared toward elementary but adaptable for early middle.