Family Ministry Aug 16,2020

This week Family Ministries is going to learn about the ancient (and modern) religion of Hinduism. Hinduism is the oldest religion to have a written history. We know through archaeology that religious burial practices have coincided with human evolution as far back 80,000 years ago. But not until the development of written language was anything written down. The oldest written text we have in existence today is the Hindu Vedas, with the oldest sections dated to as early as 1200 BCE. And like so many religious texts they were passed down orally for many generations prior to their recording.

 Coming in at the third largest religion in the world, Hinduism affects the daily life and beliefs of more than a billion people. In the morning the younger kids will explore some of the ancient and modern practices of Hinduism, while in the evening the youth group will discuss the Hindu practice of Yoga and the concept of cultural appropriation. 

Photo by Kaylee Garrett on Unsplash