Family Ministry Dec 13, 2020

Winter Solstice 

  • Sunday Morning Zoom
  • 10am – All Ages

This Sunday we are going to explore the ancient festival of Yule. Celebrated mostly by self proclaimed pagans this holiday marks the winter solstice – the longest night of the year. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, of yule logs crackling in the snow. Festively decorating fir trees with lights and garlands of popcorn. Does this remind you of anything? Why do so many of the yuletide traditions get incorporated into our Christmas celebrations? Join us on Sunday to learn about the earliest yule traditions and what, if anything, it has to do with the birth of Jesus. 

  • Sunday Night Youth Group6pm – Ages 13-17

Last week we talked a little bit about the public school system and its shortcomings. This week we are going to delve deeper into that idea and learn about the original purpose of school, and how it evolved into the school system we have today. Maybe we’ll be able to come up with ideas for how to slightly improve or even completely overhaul the current regime. Bring your thinking caps on Sunday!