Family Ministry News

Mardi Gras, Black History Month, Valentine’s and Random Acts of Kindness Day  Edition 

Image by Secoura from Pixabay

Reminder – This Saturday, February 10, is the new members and friends brunch from 9-11 in Fellowship Hall.  

UU Lessons for the Week:

This week at UUFH we’re going to learn about our 3rd and 8th UU principles and take a look at all the good things we have to celebrate this week: Black History Month, Mardi Gras, Valentines Day, Lincoln’s birthday,  and Random Acts of Kindness Day. 

UU Caregiver’s Corner:

Here are some resources to help our kids understand the reality of Black people’s experiences in American history, their impact on American culture, and to celebrate their achievements:

Rent UUFH Spaces:
The UUFH Fellowship Hall and Cottage are fun, safe, and inexpensive places to host your child’s birthday party! Interested? Email Ms. Wanda at to learn more and make your reservation.

Clyde Kelly’s small but magical Harry Potter themed birthday celebration in the UU Fellowship Hall. January 2024