Family Ministry News

This Week at UUFH

Happy Pride Month, UUFH Families!

Image by Neo_Artemis from Pixabay

Dear UUFH Families,

The Family Ministries chalice circle space is not available this Sunday, June 23, so chalice circle and religious education classes will take place in the cottage. 

Please plan on picking your kids up either from the play yard or, if it’s raining, the cottage around 11:30. Thank you!

Image by Rosy / Bad Homburg / Germany from Pixabay

Our Whole Lives (OWL) Sexuality Education 

You’re invited to support Family Ministries efforts to offer OWL Sexuality Education at UUFH!

  • Interested in registering your child or children in OWL classes? 
  • Interested in attending OWL classes for adults?
  • Interested in training to be an OWL facilitator yourself? 
  • Or just want to help out with lesson preparations or snacks?

Clicking HERE will take you to the 1 minute survey to identify yourself as an OWL ally. Once completed, you’ll start receiving OWL messages.