Family Ministry: Year of the Wood Snake 🐍

Dear UUFH Family,

I experienced a wonderful problem this week and need to change some plans!

The original plan for this Sunday was for the UU kids to skip Sunday school and stay upstairs for Reggie’s concert with only the nursery open and staffed for our youngest UUs who may need space to play or have a movement break during the service. The idea was that older kids would stay upstairs for the concert with their parents.

Well, the kids I’ve seen this week are insisting upon Sunday school lessons, and love of the Lunar New Year traditions appears to be the inspiration.

When the kids heard that I wasn’t planning any lessons about Lunar New Year for this year – they revolted. Yep. Revolted. My two literally started singing the ‘Revolting Children’ theme from the Matilda musical. My youngest saying, “what about the zodiac thingy and fortune cookies?” My oldest saying, “You’re missing an important opportunity here, mom. Holy days and holidays – isn’t that part of what you’re supposed to teach us? It’s like you’re closing a door and ruining an opportunity for your future self.”


Those last two lines really got to me — not only because he’s right about the curriculum, but because I’m pretty sure the latter portion of his little spiel was lifted verbatim from my pitch to him last week about working on his pinewood derby car in community (aka with the other Webelos in his scouts troop) rather than working on the car alone in the garage, which is his preference.

Alas, I jinxed myself writing mirror neurons in last week’s newsletter 😂

Anyway, it is with great joy that I will offer a very scaled-down version of Lunar New Year festivities this Sunday for anyone interested in joining us should they need a movement break during the concert. I will also reflect on my word choice a bit more carefully the next time I’m trying to inspire my son to action. 🥰

Please don’t feel that you and your kids have to miss Reggie’s concert to enjoy Lunar New Year. Sunday school teachers will offer more thorough and complete Lunar New Year lessons during their classes on Sunday, February 9th.

This Sunday will just be a glimpse of the fun and learning to come for the families who come downstairs to the Fellowship Hall during the show. Whether you and your littles come downstairs for a fortune cookie or a cup of coffee, playtime or communion with other parents – whatever the reason – you are invited to join us just as you are for as long as you like!

As always, much love and gratitude to you – the parents and caregivers who have chosen UUFH! Sunday mornings at UUFH are wonderful because you are there. You and your family are the heartbeat of the Family Ministry program.

With Love,


Here is a selection of Growth Mindset Resources that I’ve curated especially for our families:


Spring is nearly here! It’s time to clean-up the playground at UUFH!

The time has come! We need to work together to spruce up our playground. Morgan has drafted a poll to get a sense of when people are available to help. It only takes a minute to complete the poll and is so helpful as we schedule work days.

Please complete the poll available here: .

February is a great month for joining the local NAACP.

Joining the local chapter of the NAACP is easy. Please complete the enclosed application or go online by clicking the membership button below.

You can also join by mail by sending the membership card to: NAACP Henderson County 318 N. Main Street Suite #11 Hendersonville NC 28792 Our local unit number is 5477.

Click here to join the NAACP!

Invitation from the SJT & Green Sanctuary Folks

Digital sign up for Spring Street Initiative is in red below.

Spring Street Initiative (SSI) was created in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene by a local contractor, Will Avery, to assist families in the Green Meadows Community get back in their homes with the least amount of expense possible. These are families who have fallen between the cracks and haven’t qualified for other assistance. Most of the work will be done by Will and his subs free of charge with donated materials.

UUFH Green Sanctuary has chosen this as one of our Congregational Projects, and offered to provide painters. We would love to have a several good crews that are able to work for several hours so that the burden doesn’t fall to a few people. This would be a great intergenerational project.

Click here to be a volunteer for the Spring St Initiative

Save the Dates

Sunday, February 9th

  • 10:30 Service & Story for All Ages
  • 10:45 Sunday School Lunar New Year Lessons

Saturday, February 15th

  • 3-5PM Feel the Love Coffee House and Open Mic

Sunday, February 23rd

  • DFM is Out of Town. Additional Volunteers Needed.

Note: If you are able to volunteer to work with the kids 2/23, please email Sunday at

About Lunar New Year

Gong hei fat choy’ | 恭喜发财

What does that mean? It’s a common Cantonese Chinese New Year greeting that means wishing you prosperity and good fortune 🙂

Here are some other traditional greetings, including how to pronounce them!

Lantern Festival

Read all about it here.

The Monster Nián

Read about him here.

Traditional Foods

Read about them here.

Comprehensive Planning Guide for Lunar New Year

Written for NYC teachers, but available to everyone — this is a complete guide to teaching about the Lunar New Year.

🖍️Love crafts?

Click here for some GREAT ones