The Green Sanctuary Congregational Project is an endeavor of the Social Justice/Environment Justice Team and members of UUFH.
Each month the team will share helpful information with the congregation through the Green Sanctuary Corner.
It’s a new year and we have a new congress soon if not already in place.
We have experienced a climate disaster here in Henderson county. The vast amount of rain from tropical storm Helene was caused mainly by the warming waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Please take the time to let our congressional representatives know we do not want a repeat of this event.
( The tool used to send the message is sponsored by Citizens Climate Lobby. To learn more about CCL here is a short 1 minute 40 second UU CCL video that’s on our CCL Community site: UUCCL Video . You don’t have to join to use it.)
Customize your message with local experiences or scenes you recall. Use the link below to send your message. You will need to provide your address and zip code to get to the message. Then you can alter it as you like. When you click submit, emails will be sent to Chuck Edwards, Thom Tilis and Ted Budd.