Right Relations Team

WHAT:  A team established to assist with issues that may affect the health of the entire congregation 
WHO: The team members are: Susan Grider, Joe Robustelli and Lynn Weisberg
HOW IT WORKS: Any Member or Friend of the congregation who has a conflict, dispute, concern or becomes aware of an issue that may affect the wellbeing of the congregation may approach any of the team members and/or the Minister.
The team will meet to discuss the ways in which the issue can be resolved in a non-confrontational manner and with discretion, following the Right Relations Covenants.

Guidelines of Right Relationship and Community 


In striving to nurture a safe community and model our congregational principles, we acknowledge a need to encourage Right Relations.  To that end we agree to:

  • Seek to listen and understand with an open mind.
  • Address issues and behaviors rather than people and personalities.
  • Speak in constructive ways, considering how individual communication styles affect others.
  • Use “I” statements when sharing experiences, feelings, and opinions and speak only for oneself.
  • Practice right relations with all members of the UUFH community, seeking self-awareness, and offering honesty, patience, and courage in each interaction.  We will treat all members with compassion, dignity, and respect.  
  • Encourage inclusive discussion and do our part to insure everyone an equal opportunity to express ideas.
  • Encourage and support fair and open democratic process where diverse opinions and respectful dissent are honored.
  • Keep the mission/vision of the congregation in mind and not place our personal agendas above the common good.
  • Help coordinate the work of any program or committee in which we participate with congregational goals and these guidelines.
  • Participate in the discussions of the congregation to the extent that we are able, openly and truthfully, agreeing to disagree if necessary.  We will support the decisions of the group.
  • Address concerns directly and in a timely manner with the appropriate person or through congregational structure.  We will not spread rumors or hearsay.
  • Observe these guidelines in email communications within the congregation and to use email for information sharing and not for emotion-based exchanges.
  • Assume good intent on the part of others.
  • Acknowledge that this is a living document that is intended to be improved  as the community sees fit.

Bringing joy, hope, justice, and service to all we do as members of this community, we seek to embody and enact these Guidelines of Right Relationship with love, reverence, and humility.