Is Yoga Cultural Appropriation?

There’s something about a WASP storming, spandex-clad, full-speed into a yoga studio, Starbucks iced coffee in tow, that completely slaughters the idea that Yoga is a spiritual practice. Regardless, Western yoga is here to stay, so the least we can do is learn its history, practice it humbly, and give credit where credit is due. 

What do you REALLY know about Yoga? 

The practice of Yoga is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices that date back to ancient India around 3000 BCE. Yoga in Indian traditions is more than physical exercise; it has a meditative and spiritual core. The goals of Haṭha yoga is spiritual liberation or Moksha. This is done through the raising of Kundalini energy – a form of divine feminine energy believed to be located at the base of the spine. 

Yoga as exercise was created in what has been dubbed the Modern Yoga Renaissance by the blending of Western styles of gymnastics with postures from Hatha yoga in India in the 20th century. From there it spread across Europe and North America where the spiritual goals were pushed aside, replaced by the goals of fitness and relaxation.

 In modern times it has even become a capitalist dream, creating an entire market of Yoga studios, Yoga videos, and Yoga pants which birthed the entire Athleisure fashion trend – so far, the signature fashion trend of the 21st century. 

This is merely the basics what Yoga really is. Its true history is deep, intoxicating, and very, very sad. I encourage you to learn more.

“To the so many white people who practice yoga, please don’t stop, but please do take a moment to look outside of yourself and understand how the history of yoga practice in the United States is intimately linked to some of the larger forces of white supremacy…”

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