Adult Enrichment

A “Z” is by a group that is meeting via the Zoom platform.
UUFH offers members and friends a variety of adult enrichment programs.
New ones are added as interests arise.
Humanist Discussion Group
Meets the 3rd Saturday of each month at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall

Our meetings are devoted to learning, not as platforms for political, religious or ideological statements.
“Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism or other supernatural beliefs, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good.”
The meaning of the term humanism has varied throughout the ages, but today, with the impact of science and the interconnectedness of our world, has taken on a greater association with human freedom and progress. Our meetings cover a variety of subjects of interest to our participants, viewed from a humanist perspective.
Our meetings do not follow a rigid format, but have most often consisted of a group member giving a presentation, then leading a group discussion of the topic. Past topics have included; Capitalism; Eight Technologies Which Made is Human; Minstrelsy in American Song; Free Will; The Decline of Labor Unions
It is not a requirement to lead a discussion to be welcome in the group. Our meetings are devoted to learning, not as platforms for political, religious or ideological statements.
All are welcome.
Please contact Mays Swicord mays.swicord@gmail.
If you are not a member or friend of UUFH, please contact our office to get in touch with this group.
Mah Jongg
Meets on Mondays. Group time: 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm.
A fun group of UU members and non-members meets to enjoy each other’s company and to play. Weekly attendance is not obligatory; we come when we can. Beginners are welcome! There is no charge.
Contact Liz Snively (; 828-698-6379) for more information.
Men’s Discussion Group

First Saturday of the month, 9:00 am in Fellowship Hall
UUFH men meet monthly to discuss a previously announced topic. What is said in the group stays in the group.
Contact Steve Weisberg for more info.
Misty Mountain CUUPS of UUFH

CUUPS (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans) was formed officially in 1988 at the Palm Springs CA General Assembly. CUUPS offers networking, outreach, and education to those interested in Earth-centered religions with chapters in over 80 UU Fellowships across the country.
Misty Mountain CUUPS of UUFH is our local chapter and offers many activities including rituals, workshops, classes and social functions.
UUFH Member Jessy Swinkford, is delighted to introduce themself as the new coordinator (November 2024) for the Misty Mountain CUUPs (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans) chapter. CUUPs chapters provide a space within UU congregations to celebrate earth-based spirituality, with rituals, gatherings, and educational opportunities for those interested in exploring the sacred connection with the natural world. Our gatherings are open to everyone—whether you identify as pagan or are simply curious about earth-based spiritual practices, you’re more than welcome.
For more information, write to or see our Facebook page at
“Therrific” Thursday-Z
Meets every Thursday at 5:30 PM
on hiatus until January 9, 2025

A chance to gather online for weekly conversations.
We’ll start with tuning in at 5:30 PM. You can join the call by using the Zoom invitation sent from UUFH office on Wednesday afternoon.
Come see some familiar faces and spend some quiet time together. Be challenged with a topic to ponder and discuss.
Women’s Discussion Group
Meets the 2nd Saturday of the month in Fellowship Hall at 10am.

The discussion group is a safe place for women to explore various issues.
Barbara Eck has offered to lead this new women’s group.
We hope to create a safe space for sharing of personal experience and feelings with confidentiality assured and equal access to all members.
Our emphasis is on feelings and experience related to the topic. This will be a ‘politics free zone’. It will also be a ‘judgement free ‘zone. We will employ ‘council sharing’ which we have learned from our Native American siblings. One person talks at a time. Others listen, really listen. Nobody HAS to talk, but nobody talks a second time until all have had the opportunity to share.
Contact Patty Smith with any questions.