Sunday Mornings at UUFH

In-person programing on Sunday mornings at 10:30

All ages children and youth are welcome! With elementary school and middle school/high school respectively, we explore Unitarian Universalist principles, different religious ideologies, popular culture, and social justice concepts through stories, videos, jokes, science, craft projects and a ton of laughs.

Multigenerational Worship Services

Multigenerational services are a great opportunity for all of us to worship together. There is no separate children’s gathering on these Sundays because the children and youth are encouraged to be present with their caregivers.

The Rainbow Principles

We are all the colors of the rainbow. Each of us unique yet united as a whole. Every single U, a blessed individual. Together we live these rainbow principles.

  1. RED! stands for Respecting other people
  2. ORANGE! Offering fair and kind treatment
  3. YELLOW! puts the Yearning in your learning
  4. GREEN! Grow in your search for truth and meaning
  5. BLUE! Believe in what you are achieving
  6. INDIGO! Insist on freedom, love and peace
  7. VIOLET! Value the work that does not cease


Registration Form
Please register your children and youth to let us know about contact information and health conditions, allergies or medications. Click Here to Register.

Please read the UUFH Family Ministries Emergency Action Plan before signing.

Photo Consent and Release Form
From time to time photographs (or other digital reproductions), videos and/or audio clips may be taken of the children, youth and adults of our Family Ministry Program engaging in UUFH programs and activities. We never include the names of the children in any publications or online postings without special permission from the parent or caregiver. Click here to download the Photo Consent and Release Form.