Misty Mountain CUUPS invites everyone to help them celebrate Lammas,/Lughnasadh the first of three autumn celebrations in the Wheel of the Year. Sunday July 31st 3-6pm

Come join in & learn more about our Pagan group at UUFH

Also known as Lammas, Lughnasadh is the first of three autumn celebrations in the Wheel of the Year.  Lughnasadh is celebrated on August 1, which is in the sign of Leo, when the sun reaches 15 degrees of Leo. Halfway between the summer solstice (Litha) and the fall equinox (Mabon), ancient communities marked the first harvest of the season with gathering of grains and baking bread. Because of this, early Christians referred to Lughnasadh as Lammas “loaf mass” and Lammastide is sometimes used in place of Lughnasadh.


Colors: Yellow, orange, gold, green 

Foods: Grapes, wine, beer, bread, grains, blackberries, pears, raspberries, black currants, corn 

Stones: Citrine, peridot, carnelian, gold topaz, clear quartz, amber 

Symbols: Corn dollies, wheat, bread, cauldron, corn, herbs, threshing tools (scythe, sickle, etc…)

Flowers: Sunflowers

Deities: Lugh, Ceres, Vesta | Named for Celtic god Lugh (Lew in Welsh)

Blessed be.