Nora’s Musings:

Click Here to watch Greta Thunberg’s 2018 Ted Talk:      

The disarming case to act right now on climate change.

Climate change experts are currently expounding climate predictions through the year 2050. What happens next? What if we fail? Because let’s be honest, humanity does not have the best track record when it comes to, well, anything. Except making trash, we really are the best at that. But seriously, what if? They predict my generation will live to be 100. In 2050 I will be 54. A life only half lived. So, then what? This is why teenagers are terrified. Shooting, Crying, Laughing, Dying. The world you worked so hard for. 

You might as well laugh as cry.

Children hide under desks
teachers shut doors
and I open the window.
It’s the end of the world.

And the only ‘why’ I can find
is that our existence
is so impossible
we’ve decided to destroy it ourselves.
It’s the end of the math.
The snake eats its own tail
Odysseus writes his own fate
if nothing destroys you
you must destroy yourself.
Logic. Humanity
is the biggest logical fallacy
there is. Yet here we are.
In our electric cars
and faux leather jackets
bumper stickers and shopping carts
duvet covers and tv commercials
malpractice lawsuits and methadone.
It’s the end of the world.

I swing my feet out
over the ledge. Behind me
people yell and I laugh
because why not
take the shortcut?