Nora’s Musings:

“All my babies is gone!”
  Marvel’s Defenders S1E3

I’m glad I’m not a teenager right not.
It’s hard enough trying to grow up
without the government collapsing around you.

It’s hard enough going through puberty
without society having a midlife crisis around you.
It’s hard enough trying to thrive
in a society not made in your size,
without having to also fight just to survive.

Emma Gonzales
side by side in the Times
with Malala Yousafzai.

A Girl
A Gun.
An Education.

When did our first world
Privilege stop supplying
the rights of mothers
to tuck their children
into bed at night?

Should have been the last
250+ funerals later
I’ve run out of tears.

Americas’ holy trinity.
and White Supremacy.

Our children’s’ lives
Did no one see Titanic?

Spoiler alert: everyone dies.