President’s Message – August 2020

We’re Listening, and Responding

Thanks to those who completed our recent poll to help the Board better plan its activities for the year! We listened and, working with many, are responding.  

Two-thirds wanted greater emphasis on sharing our values, and we have placed, and will maintain, a “Black Lives Matter” sign at UUFH. The Wayside Pulpit is now being used to share our enduring values and, working with the Communications Team, we will explore doing more with social media and the website.  

Most reported they did not have a very clear sense of Interim Ministry, and Rev. Don Rollins talked more about this in his recent sermon, “Getting Ready to Get Ready.” He will do more talks on this topic as part of his planned new monthly series on UU congregational life.

Several suggested that UUFH build more links with others. On that note, Rev. Don has reached out to a nearby church to explore possible collaboration and, along with the Board President, sent a letter to Mud Creek Baptist Church to express our shared commitment to combat racism (after Mud Creek’s powerful “Forward Together” sermon). Following the lead of SJOT and its new BLM team, we will reach out to other like-minded churches and organizations on this vital and transformational issue. Working together (as with the DREAM scholarships), we hope to explore ways to have even greater impact.

Finally, the Board has been in contact with UUA to ensure that UUFH is on track with the process of selecting our next Settled Minister. Work is scheduled to begin in earnest towards the end of the year – please stay tuned.  

Together, we are privileged to be able to work, in ways large and small, to help transform lives – and the world.  

Michael Yates
President, UUFH