President’s Message – December 2020

Together, we can!

This week the Board presents to the Congregation its second six-month budget, starting January 1 – unfortunately, with a current shortfall of almost $24,000. That’s after we’ve zeroed out anything not truly essential, and after getting roughly $19,000 in unexpected relief from the PPP program. We can’t count on that again. 

There are good reasons why we’re in this crunch, including a decline of fully one-third (132 to 87) in our number of pledge units, from last year to this. COVID-19 hasn’t made it easy to attract new members! And as we give a big thank you! to those who have already contributed or pledged so generously this year, we need to focus – now – on our current shortfall, and step up funding wherever we can. Robust participation in the Stewardship Team’s “Mission:  Possible” virtual auction is a great way to start, as is its very important “DONATE” button. Let’s push it hard, and often! 

If each member and friend contributed $130, through auction purchases or donations, we’d WIPE OUT our deficit! However, if we don’t close the deficit, we’ll need to borrow from the Operating Reserve and/or, some (unencumbered) money from the Building Fund.    

While times are tough, maybe we’ve saved a bit this year, with less travel and dining out, and without our weekly donations to the collection bowls?  

Let’s remember not only what kind of a Fellowship we want, but also how much we need to pay for it. Let’s use this season to give even more generously, if you can. By doing so, we’ll strengthen our Fellowship, our commitment to one another and, indeed, our ability to help build a better and more just world. What a wonderful way to end 2020, and to enter the new year with renewed hope and energy!

Michael Yates
President, UUFH