President’s Message – March 2021

Spring is in the air! Our winter has been long and cold, and we’ve huddled close to home to stay safe. Now, warm sun and gentle rains will soon encourage the steady rhythm of new growth, as the COVID-19 winter fades. Spring is a time of great beauty and promise and, for UUFH, of renewed commitment and action.

This is the month of our pledge drive, when we all are called to nourish and sustain the Fellowship and to provide an opportunity for new growth. We help one another when we pledge and, as John Nichols writes, the pledge drive is, in a real sense, “an assessment of how much the congregation values itself” (In the Interim, pg. 159). Please welcome warmly the efforts of our great Stewardship Committee and pledge what you can.  

And this month we have another major task before us:  starting the process for selecting UUFH’s Search Committee, to help identify our new, Settled Minister.  The Committee should be trusted by, and represent, the entire congregation, and have a good sense of what we value most.  

Members of the Board and Transition Team will reach out to you in the weeks ahead to get your thoughts on who would be best to serve on this important Committee. Before then, the Board will send out a list of questions from UUA’s Settlement Handbook, to help you think this through, and offer an opportunity to join a Zoom meeting to discuss. The bottom line, after careful thought, should be “Who would you trust to serve on the Search Committee on behalf of the congregation?”  

Once selected, the Search Committee will guide us on this most important journey – and Spring is always a great time to start on new trails!

Michael Yates

President, UUFH