President’s Message – March 2022

March marks the beginning of Spring, the revitalization of nature’s wonders.  The burst of green takes my breath away.  Plants and trees have been storing their energy and are just waiting to burst with lovely colors to awaken our senses.  Springtime (especially March) is my favorite time of the year.   It seems most people think fall is the most beautiful but for me, it’s spring!

March has another meaning too.  It’s the month we ask our UUFH Community to recommit to each other by financially supporting our beloved Fellowship.  That’s right – you guessed it.  It’s time to kick off our annual pledge drive

Our annual pledge campaign will kickoff this Sunday, March 13th and end on April 1st.   As a member or friend you are being asked to make a financial pledge or contribution of record so that we may continue the programs that are so important to us as a congregation.  We’ve just ensured the continuation of two of these programs by hiring a Acting Coordinator of Family Ministry and an Acting Music Director.

Pledging is about more than money.  Pledging is really about three things.  Your time, your talent and your treasure.  All three are needed.  Especially now as we prepare to resume our pre-pandemic lives.  Although this new normal will likely be different from the old normal, there are events and gatherings we’re all anxious for.  Yard Sale!  Auction!  Craft Fair!  And maybe a concert or two.  And COFFEE HOUR!!  We’ll need volunteers for all of these events.  (So now you have the opportunity to channel your energy by supporting and volunteering with an organization that is about love and against hate)

We came into this fiscal year with a large budget deficit.  The Board asked for your help to make up this deficit during a Special Appeal and you stepped up and showed your support for UUFH by answering the Appeal.  The generosity of our community shored up our deficit but now we’re starting over.  We’re hoping we can fund our budget with a healthy pledge drive.  A one and done.  So before you decide how much you are willing to pledge this year, ask yourself these three simple questions:

                           What does UUFH mean to me?

                  Who are we was a congregation?

                  What are my Dreams for UUFH?

Every pledge matters so members and friends will be asked to pledge an amount that puts a smile on their face but does not burden them.  Remember,  pledging money is simply saying to your fellow congregants that ‘I will contribute some of my resources to help make our common dreams come true.’ 

Ed Law

President, UUFH

Some recent good news is that the CDC has adjusted their COVID measurement and masking criteria/guidelines.  As of Tuesday, March 8th, Henderson County, along with Transylvania County are listed as LOW!  Our neighbors to the north and south, Buncombe and Polk are listed as Mid.  The CDC say’s if your county’s risk is LOW, masking indoors is not required.  LOW means COVID hospitalizations in Henderson County are down with 61% of the county fully vaccinated and 32% are boosted.  To keep hospitalizations down UUFH strongly encourages everyone who is eligible to get vaccinated and boosted since this is proven to be the best deterrent against COVID.   The Board and Minister will continue to review local data and the  guidelines, keeping the safety of our member, friends and visitors a priority for all decisions, so stay tuned.