President’s Message – Nov 2021


We’ve been talking a lot about community this year. Here’s yet another perspective on community. I’m talking about a pretty common elevator speech about UUs and how it applies to our unique congregation. For those who don’t remember or don’t know the speech, it’s called “Seeing the Sun”. The metaphor describes religious truth as the sun, and we’re all in a cathedral trying to understand and describe it. We’re all standing at different stained- glass windows within the cathedral, so we each perceive the sun differently. But we’re all looking at the same sun. That’s how we UUs reconcile differing views about religious truth or God, or whatever you choose to call it. Just one truth, but viewed by many different people from many different perspectives.  

UUFH sees the local community from many different perspectives. It is one community, but viewed differently. How do we see our community and how do we help? Here are a few ideas:

  • migrants/immigrants – Silent vigil, DREAM Scholarship, El Centro
  • kids – Feed the Kids, Backpack Program, Empty Bowls
  • gun violence – Moms Demand Action
  • voting/voter registration – UU the Vote
  • discrimination – NAACP, PFLAG, BLM
  • current issues – writing postcards, attending rallies, marches
  • food – IAM, community garden

These are just a few of the ways UUFH views our community and the ways we work to support community needs. I know there are many more non-profits that I missed. Henderson County offers so many ways for us to give back, either individually or as a congregation.  How do you see our community and what are you doing to volunteer?

Ed Law

President, UUFH