At its recent retreat, the Board identified three important goals for the year. Each will require a good deal of input and support from the Congregation.
The first is to “Develop a timeline and plan, to be shared with the Congregation, to ensure that a Settled Minister Search Committee is created following the current UUA guidelines as listed in the Settlement Handbook.” That’s the Board’s key role in the Settled Minister process: work with the Congregation to help identify a great Search Committee.
The second is “Working with a specially appointed Task Group, create a Master Financial Plan to guide the Fellowship’s fiscal decisions, including, but not limited to, benchmarks and strategies for handling financial emergencies.” Having members of the Congregation with the right experience on this Task Group will be vital, as they will identify key funding issues and propose options to address them.
Our third goal is to “Create a Task Group that will research and prepare a plan for safely reopening UUFH to in-person services. Include in the plan ‘what we would look like’ initially and in the future. Ensure the potentially higher-risk groups and younger members are involved in developing this plan.” The plan will follow closely guidance from UUA and from local, State, and Federal health officials, and the Task Group will also reach out to other organizations for ideas. We must all work to protect one another as we work to return, as soon as we safely can, to our welcoming Sanctuary.
The Board will be very busy in the months ahead, and greatly appreciates the participation and support from the Congregation and staff. Together, we will continue to move UUFH forward during these very challenging times.
Michael Yates
President, UUFH