Racial Justice Weekly Action

We have changed our name from Black Lives Matter to Allies for Racial Equity which is also the name used by UUA.

Check out their website and see if any of their activities interest you. www.uuare.org

Racial Justice Action 12/30

Helen Bishop will lead discussions of the book The Black Friend: On Being a Better White Person, written by Frederick Joseph.

(We have tabled discussions of White Fragility for now.)

Contact Judy Bonner ( judybonner1@nulloutlook.com  ) if you’re interested.

Let her know if you want us to buy a copy of The Black Friend for you, $20, includes tax and shipping .  We will purchase several books to be lent out and then put in the Fellowship’s library, if you would rather borrow one. You can also buy an Ebook version.

Please join us for the first discussion on Feb. 8 from 1:00 until 2:30– we’ll decide the best time going forward as well as how many sessions.  Please read Chapter 1 before the first meeting.  

 The author, Frederick Joseph, has written about what it’s like to be one of the few Black kids in mostly-white schools, and about the housing regulations that made that happen.  He’s written about music, media, laws and regulations that make “driving while Black” problematic.  He’s talked about “white standards,” white privilege, and the assumptions he faces every day. 

He’s included interviews with people like Jessie Daniels, Angie Thomas, and Xorje Olivares, among others.  He wants white people to know what it means to be an accomplice as well as an ally.   

We’ll talk about what he has to say, and you’ll have a better idea of what to read, listen to, and do, to be the “better white person” Frederick Joseph describes.