Racial Justice Weekly Action

Racial Justice Action from your UUFH Allies for Racial Equity (ARE) Team

Check out their website and see if any of their activities interest you. www.uuare.org

Racial Justice Action 06.03.2021

RICHMOND PLEDGE TO END RACISM Registration is now open for June/July Virtual “Living the Pledge” Workshop

The next virtual workshop series has been scheduled and registration is now open!  It will take place Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:30pm via Zoom starting Jun 16 and runs through July 28 (we’ll take July 7 off).  It is open to anyone who lives in the Greater Richmond, VA, area.  (If space allows, we are happy to have those from outside the Richmond region participate – add your name to our waitlist and we’ll stay in touch!)

Each week participants will be asked to prepare by reading articles and watching videos that cover the major topics of the module.  Participants will be assigned to a small group that will meet each week as part of the two-hour session.

Sessions will also include large group presentations and conversations. We will use Mentimeter, an interactive presentation software accessed via a web browser window, throughout the various sessions to help us share insights with one another and build community.

NOTE: Each participant from a household will need to register separately AND will need their own computer or large tablet with an enabled web camera to fully participate in the small group work.  You will find a second device such as a smartphone helpful in accessing Mentimeter.

Space is currently limited to 21 participants.  Should the workshop fill up, we will maintain a waiting list and those on it will be first in line to register for the next offering.  And if you are already on our waiting list or if you had to withdraw from a recent workshop, we will be sure to prioritize your registration if you sign up before this weekend.

If you haven’t yet participated in the Living the Pledge workshop, we hope you will consider registering. 


The next Forum led by Helen Bishop will be on Monday, June 28 at 1 pm.  At their May session, the group produced a list of items for further consideration/action about “what we could do to decenter whiteness”.