Racial Justice Action from your UUFH Allies for Racial Equity (ARE) Team
Check out their website and see if any of their activities interest you. www.uuare.org
The June Allies for Racial Equity (ARE) meeting and all ARE meetings through September have been suspended.
ARE updates and news should be sent to Charlotte Corrigan for inclusion in emails, eBlasts and Justice Worker News.
Racial Justice Action 06.10.2021
White Fragility in Students, A call to action by Teaching While White founders Jenna Chandler-Ward and Elizabeth Denevi who share their experience in school after school where white students and adults lack the knowledge or skill to navigate racism and conversations about it and how that white deficit impacts students of color.
The next Forum led by Helen Bishop will be on Monday, June 28 at 1 pm. At their May session, the group produced a list of items for further consideration/action about “what we could do to decenter whiteness”.