Racial Justice Weekly Action

We have changed our name from Black Lives Matter to Allies for Racial Equity which is also the name used by UUA.

Check out their website and see if any of their activities interest you. www.uuare.org

Racial Justice Action for 10/29

Take 5 minutes to watch this video about the history of voter suppression within North Carolina and the Black leaders who strove for change. 


Faith and Community leaders of the Malice Toward None – Live the Golden Rule initiative will host a virtual Vigil for Civility via zoom on Sunday, November 1st, 2020 at 3:00PM.  We invite you to share the details of the Vigil with your congregation, friends and neighbors in the hope that they will join us in this reflection of and for kinder conversations.

Malice Toward None – Live the Golden Rule”

Congregations and Citizens Coming Together in a Virtual Vigil for Civility

Sunday, November 1, 3:00PM via Zoom

(REMINDER!   Fall back to Daylight Savings Time on 11/1/2020)

Tentative Vigil Agenda:


Remarks by Faith and Community Leaders 

including Hendersonville Mayor Barbara Volk

Silent Reflection (piano accompaniment)

Sharing of Commitment to Civility

Closing Remarks


Your Zoom link to the Vigil is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4902095339

****Please be sure to save this Zoom link, as there will NOT be any reminder email sent to you *****

We look forward to you joining us in this effort to improve how we see and talk to each other.