Racial Justice Action from your UUFH Allies for Racial Equity (ARE) Team
Check out their website and see if any of their activities interest you. www.uuare.org
All ARE meetings through September have been suspended. The monthly RACIAL JUSTICE FORUM series will resume in the fall. ARE updates and news should be sent to Charlotte Corrigan for inclusion in emails, eBlasts and Justice Worker News.
The Social Justice Outreach Team (SJOT) will hold a joint meeting with the ARE (Allies for Racial Equity) team on Wednesday, AUGUST 4 at 1:00 pm.
.All are welcome to attend; the meeting will be your chance to provide input and contribute to UUFH justice efforts. Contact Charlotte Corrigan for more information –
***Take 5 minutes to watch this video about the history of voter suppression within North Carolina and the Black leaders who strove for change