Racial Justice Action from your UUFH Allies for Racial Equity (ARE) Team
Check out their website and see if any of their activities interest you. www.uuare.org
Over 4,000 people currently serving sentences at home under the CARES Act, could be forced back to prison on the basis of a last-minute Trump legal memo.
These individuals have started planning futures, gotten jobs, signed leases, and reintegrated with their families and communities. Forcing them back to prison in this way would be cruel, legally unnecessary, ineffective at making us safer, and cost taxpayers millions.
Please contact President Biden, urging him to prevent this crisis by granting clemency to those serving sentences on home confinement.
Thank you,
The ACLU Team
Social Justice and ARE Team are temporarily meeting in joint session. The sessions are scheduled at 1 pm on the first Wednesday of the month. Watch for further details All are welcome to attend; these meetings are your chance to provide input and contribute to UUFH justice efforts. Contact Charlotte Corrigan for more information – i.e., agenda, prior minutes, Zoom link – if you would like to participate. ARE updates and news should be sent to Charlotte Corrigan for inclusion in emails, eBlasts and Justice Worker News. The monthly RACIAL JUSTICE FORUM series will resume in the fall.