Racial Justice Weekly Action

Racial Justice Action from your UUFH Allies for Racial Equity (ARE) Team

Check out their website and see if any of their activities interest you. www.uuare.org


Ministry & the 8th Principle

View a recording of a webinar presented in December, 2020. HERE

Congregations that have adopted the 8th Principle are making history. Four ministers share their experiences and insights with the 8th Principle Learning Community. Three of the four speakers are among the first four congregations to adopt the 8th Principle in 2017. These ministers give us a glimpse inside a new moment in leadership fulfilling the vision of a more inclusive future for Unitarian Universalists.


This series continues on the 4th Monday of each month, 1-2:30pm. via ZOOM. Info on the next Forum ( Feb 28th), coming soon


Social Justice and Allies for Racial Equity (ARE) Teams meet in joint session on the first TUESDAY (Feb 1) of each month at 1- 2:30pm,via ZOOM

All are welcome to attend; these meetings are your chance to provide input and contribute to our UUFH justice efforts.  Contact Charlotte Corrigan for more information – i.e., agenda, prior minutes, Zoom link – if you would like to participate.


“OUR PLACE IN THE WEB OF LIFE” begins February 26

This multipart series from the UUA starts February 26 in the UUFH Sanctuary. Watch for next week’s full announcement.

This series concludes with our workshop from Rev. Fred Small on April 9, “GIVE LIGHT:  SPIRITUAL SUPPORT for CLIMATE ACTIVISM”.  

Rev. Small will also lead our service on April 10. For more information about Rev. Small, see his website: revfredsmall.com

Want more JUSTICE NEWS? Contact Charlotte Corrigan to join the email list for UUFH JUSTICE WORKER NEWS (weekly), and/or click HERE for the weekly newsletter ( Subscribers receive the NEWS on Wednesdays)