Racial Justice Weekly Action

Racial Justice Action from your UUFH Allies for Racial Equity (ARE) Team

Check out their website and see if any of their activities interest you. www.uuare.org

jUUstice FORUM series

The Forum series meets on the 4th Monday of each month, 1-2:30pm. via ZOOM.  Per recent meetings, the forum is being repurposed as a broad Social Justice Forum and will be called the jUUstice Forum. Topics for discussion will be announced in advance. Contact (e-mail) Judy Bonner to register and obtain the Zoom Link.

Our MAY 23 jUUstice Forum topic is an open discussion with SJ-ARE members on the proposed 8th Principle. 8thprincipleuu.org

Contact Judy Bonner to register and obtain the Zoom Link.


Social Justice and Allies for Racial Equity (ARE) Teams meet jointly, the first TUESDAY of each month, 1- 2:30pm,via ZOOM ( next meeting June 7th)

All are welcome to attend; these meetings are your chance to provide input and contribute to our UUFH justice efforts.  Contact Charlotte Corrigan for more information, i.e., agenda, prior minutes, Zoom link – if you would like to participate.

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