A young member of a church Don once served asked what it’s like to lose someone you love. (She’d thus far been spared that sorrow, but wanted to know how to prepare.) As we mark the end of el Día de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead) Don will offer some thoughts on death and dying.
REMINDER: On Sunday, November 3 Family Ministries will mark the Day of the Dead with activities both upstairs and down. The children will prepare an altar downstairs honoring their pets who are no longer with us and honoring the memory of Charlotte Self. In the sanctuary we will have two small Day of the Dead altars installed in the niches. We invite congregants to bring a small photo or object to honor your departed loved ones and place them on the altars. Since space in the niche altars is limited, we will also provide a small piece of paper for a written tribute.
Topics: Death and Dying