Friction Farm
November is a month to focus on gratitude. But so often our personal gratitude intersects with our privilege. We can deepen our experience of gratitude when we connect the privileges that may be buried underneath each thing we are grateful for. Acknowledging and holding these truths along without guilt can deepen the gratitude along with the understanding of the work needed to be done so that all may have that privilege or gratitude.

He’s from Berkeley CA, she’s from Woodstock NY. When not on tour Aidan does some woodworking and Christine bakes. They have a big garden and a small orchard at the sustainable home they designed and built in South Carolina. That they bother to garden though away from home half the year tells you all you really need to know about these two. They are optimistic to a fault and will happily grow things solely for the enjoyment of others. Once upon a time they had the sort of careers their parents could brag about. Aidan has a degree in geology and managed to put people first in his corporate career as he now does in his music career. Christine was once a materials engineer but much prefers studying the molecular bonds of words and music.