The words of Winston Churchill should ring clear as a bell to each of us especially as we grow older! “I no longer listen to what people say, I just watch what they do… Behavior never lies”
Rev. Phillip Thomason
Rev Thomason is a graduate of Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta with a Masters of Divinity and PhD. In Pastoral Care. He served as Director of Hospice Care at Henrietta Egelston Hospital for Children and Clinical Chaplain in Oncology and HIV/AIDS at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta.
He is now retired and lives with his husband of 26 years in Brevard NC, along with their schnauzer, Eleanor (yes, you guessed it, named after Eleanor Roosevelt.) He likes to read, follow University of Tennessee women’s basketball and travel.
Story for All Ages:
Our School is Family. Shannon Olsen (author), Sandie Sonke (illustrator).
Shirley Gruenhut, piano
Shirley is an avid chamber music player and New York native who now calls Hendersonville home. A graduate of Brooklyn College, she was the first time recipient of the prestigious Charles Ives Award for excellence in musical performance. She studied graduate level piano accompaniment at the Manhattan School of Music. She assisted at the Metropolitan Opera House studios and has performed regularly in New York, as well as Europe and Israel. Shirley is a member of ACMA-Association of Classical Musicians and Artists, Sing For Hope, and ACMP-Association of Chamber Music Players. She is also a professional member of AAPF, the Asheville Area Piano Forum. She was founder of several chamber music ensembles
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