Marc Mullinax returns to speak about scarcity and abundance. Our world is built on the thin fictions of scarcity.
Advertising, religion, athletics, maybe even your boss grabs your attention by making you feel like there’s not enough to go around, that only one team or person wins, or there are not enough resources, or room in Heaven for everyone. So get what you can, when you can, before anyone else. This causes suffering and is not the way of the universe, whose ways are to bless, be bountiful, and provide. And it is our way, too!
Marc will talk about how we are basically “pass-through” persons, groups, and congregations enabling the untold bounty of the world to be everyone’s birthright.
Dr. Mullinax is Professor of Religion at Mars Hill University and a frequent visiting professor at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea. He teaches and learns about the academic study of religion in both regions. His courses include “Religions in Appalachia,” “Hinduism & Buddhism,” “Angels & Demons: A History of the Religious Imagination,” “Religions in America,” and “Living World Religions in Seoul.” He remains a joyful Baptist, even though he has considered all the facts!
Topics: Abundance