This Sunday I would like to explore two topics with you. The first one is on the definition of “Love.” I assure you I have more questions than answers to share with you as greater minds than mine have been musing on this topic for millennia. It appears to be something that can be described but not defined. Very well.
The second topic is “Oneness.” I will use the story below as a lead in:
On January 2, 2007, Wesley Autry, a 50 year old African American construction worker and Navy veteran, was waiting for a subway train in Manhattan with his two young daughters at around 12:45 pm. Standing there, Mr. Autry was unaware that he was about to become involved in a sequence of events that would change his life, and that would reveal profound truths about the nature of the human mind. I know. It sounds a bit like a Twilight Zone Intro. Perhaps it is…
Lastly, I will attempt to tie the two topics together. Oneness & Love. Please join me.

Rev. Michael J S Carter is a board certified chaplain (retired) and an anti-racism/diversity consultant. He currently serves as the minister of UU congregation of the Swanannoa Valley, in Black Mountain, NC.
Topics: Love